Wednesday, December 14, 2011

H E L L O !

hey there familia!

sorry I haven't been posting much but its been hard with a fussy, teething child who loves me SO much. haha. Anyways so, christmas is near and family is far and all I want for christmas this year is to SKYPE with as much of my family as possible from now untill christmas (cousin's/aunties/uncles included) I've been feeling very distant from everyone so if its not to much trouble and you can spare a few mins call/text/facebook me PLEASE! love you all and


p.s my skype name is under "nicolegellert'' I think I have more than one so my new one has a picture of kinsey.


Leilani said...

Message me whenever you want to skype. I am on Christmas break with the boys and we will almost always be home. They love chatting with you and Kinsey :)

Nicole said...

yey sounds good, maybe we can chat tomorrow with grandma gellert too!