Sunday, August 28, 2011

5 months!

So once again another month has flown by and this child is getting bigger and heavier. She's also getting more of a personality and facial expressions that crack me up all the time.

so far her likes are;

- swimming with her cousin
- eating any and everything
- drinking from mommy's cup
- talking to everyone
- being carried{mostly by mommy} but is getting use to other people carrying her. yey!
- playing with her cousin{mainly grabbing her face and screaming in joy at her}
- talking and trying to eat her reflection in the mirror
- screaming at mommy to carry her

her accomplishments this month;

- sitting without support
- belly time without screaming and/or fussing
- falling asleep on her own{yey}
- rolling to one side{pretty close to rolling over all the way}
- drinking from a cup
- holding herself up while standing on her own{only for a few mins}

Dang this kid is growing fast, pretty soon she'll be crawling!!! Our next trip to oahu will be the ending of September and will be staying for 2 1/2 weeks for Azalea's first bday! whoo hoo! anyways here some picture from these last few weeks, hope you enjoy them!

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